Zectr Web App

Update existing survey web app.


Zectr Web App started as a simple concept and over time under the market influence grew into a massive custom solution. It desperately needed a redesign, to identify patterns and make it simple again, while sustaining newly acquired functionality.


To analyze multiple custom projects in order to identify patterns, variations, flexibility and produce a new design mockups within the new requirements.



Research. Modularization of existing projects

During the initial stage of the project I looked through recent custom projects, finding those that have both — custom and standard parts to them. Laying them all out in Excel allowed me to see patterns and distill insights. Some were quite unexpected and groundbreaking — allowing development team to account to newly found variability.

In the next stage of the project while creating mockups, I was able to create a very simple and robust design system, with custom symbols, element styles and text styles.


As a part of the project I created more than 90 custom icons and multiple modules and elements.

This library of assets allowed developing screens quickly and efficiently.